The hum of tires on the tarmac can be heard as you cycle along a quiet country lane. But the tranquility is interrupted when you hit the brakes, causing a loud squealing sound.
Squealing brakes are the worst, especially when riding in quiet places and people stop and stare at you. When you’re riding a bike, any unwanted noise is immensely annoying and embarrassing.
We have a few things you can try to stop that irritating squeal.
Reasons for Bike Brake Squeaking
Brake alignment is improper
Improper installation, especially misalignment of rim brakes can cause squeaking noise. Moreover, the alignment can also be ruined over time due to wear and tear.
For disk brakes misalignment happens in the caliper and rotor.
Contamination in brakes
The oil you use on your bike can contaminate the rim brakes and disk pads which may lead to the squeaky noise as debris can build due to this oil. Greasy fingers (touch) and aerosol (too close usage) can also cause contamination.
If you ride through the stream and puddle, water can enter your bike brakes and create noise while braking. There are no worries as it is a temporary problem. When water gets dried out the noise will diminish itself.
Sometimes the heat can also be the culprit especially when you ride downhills or on unpaved surfaces. You need to brake frequently in these situations which creates heat in the brakes due to friction.
If this problem happens regularly you can try a bigger brake rotor, which can dissipate the heat better and reduce the noise. Discoloration of the rotor due to overheating means you need to change your brake.
Loose parts
If your brake parts are not tight enough then they may vibrate and create noise. Loose parts also mean a lack of grip, which again means the brake pads may not grip the rim or rotor effectively and lead to a squeaking or squealing sound.
Worn brake pads
Worn brake pads may result in alignment problems and create noise while braking. You should change the pads to solve this problem.
New brake
To limit the grip on the rim or rotor some brake pads have a coating on them. This coating may cause noise in the case of new pads. This is a temporary problem because when the coating wears off the noise will diminish itself.
If the problem persists for a long time then try considering buying better brake pads.
How to Stop Bike Brakes From Squeaking: Rim Brakes
Method 1: Use rubbing alcohol
Step 1: Gather tools
- Rubbing alcohol 91 percent
- Clean cloth
- Brake tool
Step 2: Put some rubbing alcohol onto a rag
Step 3: Wipe down the rim surface where the brake pad hits
Step 4: Go all the way around to scrub and get all the old dirt and oil off the rim
Step 5: Scrub both sides of the rim
Step 6: Remove the wheel from the bike
Step 7: Put some rubbing alcohol onto the rag
Step 8: Scrub down the surface of the brake pad
Step 9: Assemble the bike and go for a test drive to see if the problem is solved
Method 2: Use a sandpaper
Step 1: Gather tools
- 660 grade sandpaper
- Brake tool
Step 2: Detach the wheel again if the squeaking noise is still present
Step 3: Rough up the brake pad surface with a 660 grade sandpaper
Step 4: Make sure there’s no shiny part left on the brake pad surface
Step 5: Test the brake on another test ride to see if it worked
Method 3: Adjust the brake pads using a penny
Step 1: Gather tools
- Penny
- Brake tool
Step 2: Stick a penny between the back edge of the brake pad and the rim
Step 3: Unscrew the brake pad to loosen it
Step 4: Squeeze the brake pad against the rim to adjust it
Step 5: Check if the penny holds the back edge of the brake pad
Step 6: Do the other brake pad the exact same way
Step 7: Go for a test ride to see if they are still squealing
Method 4: Install new brake pads
Step 1: Gather tools
- Penny
- Brake tool
Step 2: Use a penny as a shim in the back of the brake pad
Step 3: Squeeze the brake a bit
Step 4: Tighten down the brake
Step 5: Make sure the front edge of the brake pad toes in
Step 6: Do the same for both brake pads
Step 7: Go for another test ride to test the brakes
How to Stop Bike Brakes From Squeaking: Disc Brakes
Method 1: Check the rotors
Step 1: Gather tools
- Shifter
Step 2: Give the wheel a spin to check if the rotor is straight
Step 3: Have a look at the rotor when it goes through the caliper
Step 4: Try to strain the rotor if it’s bent (Option 1)
Step 5: Replace the rotor if it’s too bent (Option 2)
Method 2: Clean the brake rotors
Step 1: Gather tools
- Disck brake cleaner
- Clean cloth
- Mud
Step 2: Use a disc brake cleaner or solvent to keep the disc clean (Option 1)
Step 3: Put on mud on the brakes and then brake hard to clean it off (Option 2)
Method 3: Clean off contaminations from brake pads
Step 1: Gather tools
- Brake tool
- Mud
Step 2: Put mud on the brakes and then brake hard to clean it off (Option 1)
Step 3: Use a blowtorch to boil off the oil from the pads
Method 4: Center the calipers
Step 1: Gather tools
- Brake tool
Step 2: Check if there’s an equal amount of space on both sides of the pads
Step 3: Loosen both bolts
Step 4: Squeeze the brake lever
Step 5: Retighten the bolts
Tips to stop brake squeaking
1. Make sure the axle is correctly installed
The wheels should be mounted correctly. The axle and hub should not have any free play. You can check the spokes to see if you have the correct tension.
2. Don’t touch the brake pads too much with your hands
Don’t touch the brake pads too much with your hands as you can transfer oils and dirt. Use an old clean t-shirt or rag that you are sure is clean. Ensure the cloth or fabric you use is lint-free. Paper towels work well as you use a clean one each time so you can be sure they are fresh.
Q. What types of brakes are less likely to squeak?
Biodegradable disc brake pads, or organic disc brake pads, contain natural fibers and resin. There is less squeaking with resin disc brake pads and they bed in quicker.